Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist (by Charles Dickens) is the story of a poor orphan boy mistreated by those who have taken care of him. They treat him like an animal: giving him the minimum amount of food in order to just survive, disrespecting him because his mother died in child birth without a father to take care of him and just because of the fact that he's poor with no worldly possessions whatsoever. For what reason should he be mistreated if he's a kind boy who's just a victim of fate. People look at him as if he wasn't human! When in reality, he's just a hardened boy who's been put through a lot since birth. I find him to be such a great character. For a boy around the age of 10 years old, it's incredible how life has thrown so many curve-balls at him and he's still able to keep standing with the bat up to face the pitcher. Like, when his "masters" gang up on him after he simply punches a boy for insulting his dead mother. How they twisted the truth to make it so his anger was not only directed at the boy but at the rest of them, and made him out as a threat to their well-beings, when all he did was get mad and rebel against his bully. So instead of taking their bull , he hit the road to escape their atrocities, and wandered into the city where there's endless opportunities: only once he gets to the city, he soon makes friends with the wrong type of people: A child-gang who's taught to steel from the wealthy by discretely pick-pocketing.

I feel bad for Oliver. It seems like life's just not going his way, but what can I say, life's just not fair.

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