Thursday, January 28, 2010


In George Orwell's 1984, the story takes place in--yes, you guessed it--1984. Although this is the setting, George Orwell wrote this book in the 1940's, predicting how life will be in 1984. Only, these hypotheses were not completely accurate. We do not have large computer screens in our living rooms in which "Big Brother" is constantly watching to see if we do anything that defies his rules or thinks something that the "Thought Police" would find threatening to Big Brother. If any suspected conspirators are found out they are quickly "vaporized" without trial and their history is erased off the face of society. Speaking of history, Big Brother's organizations erase any history that doesn't suit them, this makes doubt almost impossible to follow up on and doublethink an absolute. What I wonder is, how are so many people able to swallow what Big Brother dishes out? Well, not everyone does. People like Winston Smith who is against Big Brother's totalitarian rule and over-controlling aspects dare to think what he wants--to get rid of BB--and do what could lead to his execution--write a diary to the future telling of the wrongs that went on during their time.

I can't wait to see what will happen next. Will Winston find some accomplices? Will he get caught and vaporized? Will he be able to trigger an uprising against the horrid BB? We'll soon find out....

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