Thursday, December 3, 2009

Handle With Care continued. . .

Okay so with every Jodi Picoult story comes a twist including lawyers. In the book, the parents of Willow had been trying to get a lawsuit set up against the hospital who took care of Willow during her Disney-World-incident because of how they treated them. The lawyers found nothing to take up against the hospital fit for a lawsuit so they dropped that idea. But the lawyers found something else out... that the mamograms of Willow revealed from before she was born that she would end up with OI. This means that the parents could've been given a chance to abort the fetus if they'd known, the thing is, they love Willow and they do not regret having her (with or without OI). Also, the person they'd sue in this case would be Piper(the mother's) best friend. Now that's a problem.

Obviously, Willow's parents love her very much, but there are many questions to answer. Could they have prevented this fate of restricting her to casts and wheelchairs, or would they have gone on ahead and had her if they knew?

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