Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Handle With Care

This book is driving me crazy! With Willow having OI, Events are stopped in their tracks at any moment! Meaning, anything can take a turn for the worse at a moment's notice. But, hey, I guess that's what happens when you're child has OI. Luckily, her family loves her the way she is and wouldn't have her be any other way. Willow, besides having OI, is a smart girl who has a pretty advanced brain at her age.
Recently in the Jodi Picout's Handle with Care , Charlotte and Sean (the parents) have taken their children to Disney land. This in itself was a major risks, for the rides could easily injure Willow, but they went anyways because they wanted their children to feel like regular kids. Unfortunately, Willow manages to break half her body slipping on a napkin at a restaurant. This leads to the family skipping their vacation and getting rushed to the hospital. And to make things worse, the parents are stuck in jail because the hospital there thinks Willow broke her bones because of child abuse, and Charlotte is placed in a foster home!
Now you must understand why this book simply tears me apart... something seems to always happen as soon as you put your guard down. Like right now, Charlotte is trying to let Willow experience ice skating! That situation right there is a recipe for disaster.... One of the reasons why is that Willow is as fragile as glass, and, well, putting her on ice isn't exactly the safest thing, don't you think?

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